Tuesday, 30 June 2009

A stroke - aphasia

A stroke 5 days - my in hospital, a speech is bad ...

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Testing from the archives

This was a test, trying to get up and running with a PC and linking my word processor, as it should allow, to enable blogging into a much better arrangement. I would do more if but for time ...

Friday, 29 September 2006

The Labour Party Conference

I was astonished by the favourable press given to Tony Blair for his conference speech, as though this glib performance didn’t encapsulate all that we hate and distrust about him.  It was  precisely because of his slick performances before the Iraq war that the House of Commons was misled.  I think I speak for a lot of people in saying that I was not impressed;  more than that, I simply don’t want to hear from him ever again.  What planet are the British press actually on?

Tuesday, 15 August 2006

Sunday, 16 July 2006

Get rid of Tony Blair

Oh god how I hate Tony Blair and how much I wish he would go, or be removed by his party.  There are those who hope he could be tried for war crimes over Iraq or that he will be drawn into criminal proceedings around the sale of honours, but it is hard to see either of those happening.  If he was totally deranged and committed a blatant crime that is one thing.  Otherwise so far as honours are concerned it is all tied up in the “nod and a wink” ways of the establishment.  Indeed the system is, as he seemed to acknowledge today, fundamentally corrupt in any event, allowing sitting PMs to appoint to the Lords party supporters who do not necessarily have any merit, and would never stand any chance of being elected.  It stinks, it makes me incredibly angry, and it makes the “cash for questions” sleaze of the Tories pre 1997 look small beer.

Friday, 23 June 2006

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter

I was bemused to see Ann Coulter interviewed on BBC Newsnight earlier this week, and her seemingly childish delight at being outrageous.  I was not impressed.  But when she started attacking Charles Darwin I knew she was just another fruitcake.

Saturday, 3 June 2006

Solar water heating

I have been experimenting with a birthday present which is a portable water heater – well in fact a portable shower.  It holds about 20 litres of water in a bag arrangement which can be laid out in the sun and when it gets hot enough hung up and the water drained through a sprinkler on the end of a tube.  Primitive enough but it does work, and I like the low-tech nature of it.  I confess I have not actually showered using it but I have made general use of the water in the kitchen.